Director BIO: Michele Haines (SAM THE HAM)

Director Biography – Michele Haines

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Michèle Haines is a Los Angeles based Voice Actor who found the voice of Sam the Ham through improvising some animal character ideas for a toy company. Michèle then accidentally discovered her animator while searching her brother’s name on the internet. The visual work of David Haines (they think no relation) brought Sam to life. Sam has more adventures to get into, and Michèle and David Haines will continue their animation collaborations while trying to determine if they share a family tree.


Director Statement

Sam, the little pig character, was born out of improvising ideas for a toy company. Years later, the idea to animated him into a cartoon came as way for me to distract and pull myself out of a depression after my father died. Sam’s dad is styled as a tribute to my father, an Army Airborne Ranger who was happiest playing a farmer in his downtime. My hope is that everyone will enjoy watching Sam the Ham and feel uplifted by his sweet, innocent spirit, despite his looming fate.

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